Wisdom tooth removal tips

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. They usually develop between the ages of 17 and 25. Often, wisdom teeth cause trouble - such as pain, swelling, and crowding the other teeth. Scheduling regular check-up visits to your dentist would help prevent such problems and determine whether your wisdom teeth should be removed. Once your dentist decides it is important for your wisdom teeth to be removed, there are things you can do to prepare. Read on to find out about some wisdom tooth removal tips. These tips will help you prepare for the procedure and maintain a good oral health. Also, you can read more about the cost of wisdom tooth removal and the wisdom tooth removal process here (wisdom teeth removal cost) and here (wisdom teeth removal process). 

Tips for wisdom teeth removal: How to prepare for wisdom tooth removal procedure

Wisdom tooth extraction can be stressful for a lot of people. The procedure is performed by your dentist or by an oral surgeon, who will make an incision in the gum tissue in order to expose the tooth and remove it from the jawbone. Recovery takes a few days or weeks. Below are some tips for wisdom teeth removal and what you should do to prepare for the process (wisdom teeth removal process). 

[Tip 1] - Get to know the cost

It is important for you to be aware of wisdom teeth removal cost. To check the breakdown of the costs and what it will require in total, click here (wisdom teeth removal cost).  

[Tip 2] - Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon

For you to be more at ease with the process (wisdom teeth removal process), it is important you consult with your dentist to understand exactly how the procedure will go, how long you’ll need for recovery, and any potential complications that might occur. Make sure you let them know about any medical condition so that the necessary arrangements can be made. 

[Tip 3] - Avoid food and drink before the procedure

It is best if you avoid food and drink after midnight the day of the procedure, especially if you’re undergoing general anesthesia. 

[Tip 4] - Plan the logistics

Make sure you take days off work or school after the procedure and arrange for transportation as you might not be able to drive. Having someone stay with you for a day after the procedure is also a good idea. 

[Tip 5] - Follow instructions

Instructions provided by your dentist pre-procedure should be followed to the dot, especially if it involves taking antibiotics or avoiding certain medications. If any medications are prescribed for after the procedure, make sure you pick them up beforehand. Ice packs are also useful to have ready to use. 

Wisdom teeth recovery tips: What to do for proper and faster healing

We’ve talked about what to to prepare for wisdom teeth removal. But what to do after you’re done with the procedure? Here are tips for wisdom teeth removal recovery:

[Tip 1] - Avoid any physical activity

It is important to rest and stay home the day of the procedure and a few days after that. Avoiding physical activities is also essential to avoid bleeding and discomfort. 

[Tip 2] - Avoid solid food

Sticking to a diet of soft foods such as yogurt, soups, smoothies, or liquids is a must during the first few days. 

[Tip 3] - Manage the pain 

Using ice packs to reduce swelling, taking pain medications as prescribed by your dentist, and rinsing your mouth with salt water after the first 24 hours are all recommended and can help with pain and healing.

[Tip 4] - Make sure your mouth stays clean

Gently brush your teeth once you are allowed to and use antiseptic mouthwash to keep the surgical area clean and avoid infection. 

[ Tip 5] - Call your dentist if you have signs of infection

If you experience excessive bleeding, swelling, pain, or a fever, contact your dentist immediately. They will prescribe the necessary antibiotics to treat the infection. 

Key Takeaways

The wisdom teeth removal process (wisdom teeth removal process) is necessary to go through for many people in order to maintain good oral health. Caring for your oral hygiene after wisdom tooth removal is important to help heal faster and reduce the risk of complications. Some wisdom teeth surgery tips for a successful recovery after removal include: following your dentist’s instructions, taking pain medications as prescribed, avoiding solid foods for the first few days, and rinsing the mouth regularly to reduce swelling. It is also important to keep all follow-up appointments so that your dentist can monitor the healing process. Being aware of the cost of wisdom tooth removal is also an important first step (wisdom teeth removal cost). 


What helps heal wisdom teeth removal faster?

For wisdom teeth removal to heal faster, practice good oral hygiene, apply ice to reduce swelling, take pain medications as prescribed by your dentist, avoid smoking and using a straw, avoid hard foods for a few days, and get plenty of rest. 

What day is wisdom teeth removal most painful?

Days 1 to 3 are the most painful days after wisdom teeth removal. That is when the anesthetic begins to wear off and the full effects of the surgery set in. To minimize the pain, make sure you follow your dentist’s instructions. 

Can wisdom teeth heal in 2 days?

While pain can subside after 2 to 3 days, full healing from wisdom teeth removal takes several days to weeks. Everyone heals differently and recovery time can vary depending on a variety of factors. 

What not to do the day before you get your wisdom teeth out?

The day before getting your wisdom teeth out, avoid:

  1. Eating or drinking anything after midnight
  2. Taking any anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or other blood-thinning drugs
  3. Drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs
  4. Smoking
  5. Doing anything that might increase your heart rate, such as strenuous exercise or extreme stress

It's important to follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure. It's also important to inform your dentist or oral surgeon of any changes in your health or medications you are taking. They can provide specific instructions and precautions tailored to your individual needs.

How can I calm myself before getting my wisdom teeth out?

Wisdom teeth removal is stressful for a lot of people. To calm yourself before the procedure, here are some things you can do:

  1. Get plenty of rest the night before the procedure
  2. Practice deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and reduce anxiety
  3. Distract yourself with a book, movie, or other enjoyable activity
  4. Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about any concerns or fears you may have
  5. Bring a friend or family member to provide emotional support
  6. Consider listening to soothing music or using aromatherapy
  7. Take any prescribed anxiety medication as directed by your dentist or oral surgeon

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