Is it time to have your wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth aren't going to make you any wiser. They get their name since they usually appear when you're a bit older - say between the age of 17 - 21. A complete set of 32 adult teeth includes two on top and two on the bottom. Who and who doesn't get wisdom teeth, is mostly determined by genetics and ethnicity.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, according to anthropologists, were initially necessary for grinding and eating raw, hard food that was part of our ancestors' diet. Thanks to the discovery of fire, we can now cook and soften these items. So, in short, the third molars are no longer that useful.

Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth often lack enough room to grow properly and that can cause issues. They can erupt at various angles in the jaw, including horizontally.

Wisdom teeth can cause problems if they:

●      Are concealed beneath the gums. Wisdom teeth get jammed (impacted) within your jaw when unable to emerge normally. It can sometimes lead to infection or a cyst, which can harm other dental roots or bone support.

●      Partially emerge from the gums. Wisdom teeth that partially come out form a channel that can become a magnet for bacteria. That may cause gum disease and mouth infection since this area is difficult to see and clean.

●      Crowd nearby teeth. Wisdom teeth that don't have adequate space to come out may crowd or damage neighbouring teeth.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of one or more wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth removal is often recommended as a preventative measure to protect your smile from future problems. Avoid pain and infectious complications by pulling off your wisdom teeth in a simple procedure and with a quick recovery time. You can learn more about this procedure on our wisdom teeth page.

Signs that confirm it's time for wisdom teeth removal


Since your permanent teeth are already in place, the emergence of an extra set of molars may cause them to move. It results in pain, biting issues, and overcrowding, making brushing and flossing difficult.  If you wait way too long to have treatment, you may be required to undergo additional surgeries to straighten affected surrounding teeth.

Consistent sinus issues

We all know how closely the mouth and nose are linked, but did you know that impacted wisdom teeth can influence the sinuses? When the growth of these molars causes sinus pain, pressure, and congestion, wisdom teeth removal is suggested.

Inflamed Gums

Oral health isn't only about teeth; gums also play an essential role and might be harmed by impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth that sprout at an angle or horizontally from the other teeth might cause the gums to swell-up, making them difficult to clean. These reddish regions along the gum line are sometimes tender to the touch, making it difficult to brush and floss properly, resulting in tooth decay and gum disease.

Bad breath

If your wisdom teeth are emerging, they may be hurting your night-time breathing. It may cause you to breathe through the mouth rather than your nose, resulting in dried mouth and increased bacterial activity, leading to bad breath.

Difficulty eating

Patients with impacted wisdom teeth have difficulty chewing food and drinking cold beverages. If you're constantly in discomfort while eating and finding it hard to consume the things you enjoy, it's time to see a dentist in order to figure out if your wisdom teeth are impacted.

For more details on wisdom teeth removal and its long-term oral health benefits, call Trident Dental Smiles now at (408)-505-1777 or click here to book an appointment. And most importantly, don't be afraid, as we are here to help you!

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