Invisalign before and after pictures & 3 very successful cases

If you are here, it means you are considering an Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth and regain your confidence. While every treatment and situation is unique to every patient, it helps to check out Invisalign before and after results. This can give you a clearer picture of how your smile would look, before and after Invisalign braces, and help you decide if the Invisalign cost is worth it..

Continue reading if you’re interested in before and after Invisalign pictures. They will definitely help you decide whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you.

3 Invisalign before and after pictures

Here are before and after Invisalign pictures of some of our patients. You can read about each case and check out the Invisalign results before and after. Invisalign achieves efficient and satisfying results. Enjoy going through the examples below!

Case 1

Patient with crossbite | Successfully treated with Invisalign

Case 2

Patient with crowding | Successfully treated with Invisalign

Case 3

Patient with crowding | Successfully treated with Invisalign

Key takeaways about before and after Invisalign

While it is true that every dental treatment is unique to each individual, and that the time and cost it requires (Invisalign cost article) are big factors in the decision to go through with the treatment, the difference in patients’ smiles before and after invisalign braces is undeniable. In just a few months’ time, your confidence will reach its peak as you won’t have to worry about your smile not being straight anymore. The fact that Invisalign aligners are barely visible compared to traditional braces (Invisalign vs. braces article) makes the process all the more comfortable.

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